Every now and then, someone gets scammed or hacked on Stardoll. I made a post about a fake site which needed you to login, this was a scam and I realised that many people have became a victim of this; so I created a list on how to prevent yourself from being a victim of one of these incidents.
1. Do not give out your information.
What a simple point. As simple and clear as it is, people still get hacked by this method. Don't give out your information no matter what; whether it's for a free makeover or for fake clothes, you can't trust anyone online as they're strangers in reality. If they ask for your information, that's all they pretty much care about. Getting their hands on your account and clothes. Even if they're your friends, who knows what they'd do if you gave your account details.
2. Don't not buy or sell an item for more than 500SD/SC.
The highest limit that you could sell something is 500SD/SC and many people have gotten scammed.
3. Don't go on a website which looks suspicious.
If someone tells you to go on it for free things.. etc; it may contain keyloggers/viruses. Also, make sure that if you sign in on that website which looks like Stardoll, it belongs to Stardoll http://stardoll.com. If not, then it could be a fake site trying to gain your account username and password.
4. Don't download any tools.
Again, these could contain viruses and can severely damage your computer. You should also know that there are actually no tools to get free membership or stardollars and that they're fake.